We’re Halfway There…

Jul 23, 2015

Not quite livin’ on a prayer, but oh, we’re halfway there. Halfway through wedding season. The month of August alone will see me shoot seven weddings which is kinda crazy/brilliant/awesome all at once. I’ve already had the most brilliant summer that has seen me shoot a Deloreon, Predator and Terminator centre pieces, superhero cufflinks, an at home wedding straight out of Pinterest, a best man speech/quiz “Knowing Me, Knowing Craig!” and a groom apologise to his new bride for “walking into their kitchen each Saturday morning, beating his chest and demand that she look upon the best she will do”.

My job is all kinds of awesome.

I’ve seen happy tears, joy filled grins and overheard huge proper belly aching laughter.

Happy halfway point everyone and thank you so much to all my brilliant, awesome, ace, spectacular clients.

Wedding Photography in Shropshire (1 of 1)-2 Goldstone Hall Wedding - 434 untitled event - 182 Goldstone Hall Wedding - 429 Goldstone Hall Wedding - 428 Wedding Photography in Telford - 382 Wedding Photography in Telford - 364 Kelly & Ross Vol 5 (347 of 356) Ludlow Wedding  (14 of 22) Pimhill Barn Wedding - 416

Nicola Gough

Nicola Gough

Wedding Photographer

When I’m not shooting people in love you can find me at home, probably drinking too much coffee, eating cake and watching a film. My husband and I hold a lot of our conversations in film quotes. We’re kind of film geeks.After ten years of photographing almost 200 couples who love the bones of each other, I’m still in love with weddings and I would love to hear more about yours.