In March 2015, Sarah and her mother approached me at a wedding fayre. They began flipping through one of my albums and asked if I was free on Sarah’s wedding date accompanied by a sigh and a look that said “You’re probably not available but we’ll ask anyway”.
I was available. And that book they were looking through? It was a sample album of a wedding at The Mytton & Mermaid – Sarah’s wedding venue. Perfect!
Sarah and Gareth held their wedding during the August Bank Holiday weekend and it really was spectacular. From Sarah’s dress (swoon) to her Rachel Simpson shoes (double swoon) or dad David’s tears of joy as he saw his daughter as a bride and expressed “I haven’t felt like this since the day she was born.” From the floral details that made the ceremony room smell divine, the camaraderie of the bridesmaids, the everyone-pile-on-the-groom’s-car moment, the interactive speeches…just gorgeous. Congratulations Mr & Mrs Pegg!